Blogtober 2022 Day Five entry

“Not on Earth?” Eila replied. “Where else would we be?”
“Earth used to be filled with magical creatures,” Wynn said. “We’ve all heard stories of fairies and elves, and we’ve seen dragons for ourselves. Our magical histories tell of these beings using portals to travel into other realms.”
“Do you think that’s happened to us?” Rhys asked.
“It’s too soon to tell,” Wynn said, “but it’s something we must prepare ourselves for.”
“If it was a portal, it goes both directions, right?” Eila asked. “If we find it, we can travel back.”
“Begging your pardon, captain, but even when the winds return, we have no way to navigate,” Lowys said. “We don’t know which way to go.”
Silence gripped the four of them, and though the sound of music and laughter still floated up from the deck, their sense of anguish was as dark as the alien sea that surrounded them.
“We wait until morning,” Eila said. “When the sun rises, we raise sails and head toward it. If this is Earth, we’ll encounter land in a few days.”
“And if it’s not?” Rhys asked.
“We didn’t go from the smallest kingdom in Britain to the richest kingdom in Europe by accident,” Eila said. “We are smart, clever, and capable of facing any challenge we encounter. I promise you all, we will find our way home.”
Her men, uplifted by her words, rejoined the revels on the deck. Standing alone on the bridge, she could almost believe her own promise.