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Llanfyllin Map_edited.jpg

Kimdom of Llandrinded

Ruler: Kim Gareth Wynn Ellesmere

Throne: Cefnllys Keep


While Llandrinded is the largest of the kimdoms in terms of geography, it is also its most sparsely populated, with the majority of its citizens living in the vital seaport of Swansea. The kim, another of the king’s brothers, however, lives in the mountain fortress of the capital city, established as a bulwark against southern invaders gaining access to the kingdom’s capital. Most of the kimdom’s residents are, like Aberstwyth, herdmen and trappers, living in small villages off the King’s Road, which runs through the center of the province. The northern half of Llandrinded is impossible to traverse after
the winter snows arrive.


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