Blogtober 2022 Day 28 entry

“We were brought here against our will, told we were guests and not prisoners, all so you could feed us lies about getting back to our world someday?” Eila shouted. “The world would be better off if Plato had been right about this island sinking into the ocean!”
“You are not the first to resist, little girl,” Tobias said. “We have far more effective ways of placating you than food and wine, as you will learn.”
He extended his hand, and a bolt of light shot from his fingers and struck Eila in her forehead. Her body convulsed under the power of his spell.
Wynn raised his hands and cast a ward that interrupted the spell. Tobias threw out his other hand and struck Wynn with a blasting spell that sent him sprawling into the back of the cavern.
“Tobias, stop!” Adriana cried. “Violence is forbidden here—you taught me that yourself.”
“Oh, Adriana, after all this time you still have the mind of a child,” Tobias said. “You need not fear. We will send you back to your arrival, and all this unpleasantness will be erased.”
“Until it happens again, you fool!” she shouted.
“Enough,” Tobias said. “This is over.”
“You’re right about that,” Eila said. “Rhys! Now!”
Rhys shed his invisibility cloak as he ran full speed toward Tobias. He struck the older man with his shoulder and sent him flying into the portal. Rhys stood at the edge with a look of absolute delight on his face.