Blogtober 2022 Day 27 entry

“How far back should we go?” Eila asked.
“If you go far too back, there’s a higher risk we’ll end up in the storm again,” Wynn said.
“How about Barcelona?” Eila said. “We sailed into the storm after we left the Mediterranean.”
“If Adriana’s appearance disrupts our plans, that could work,” Wynn said.
“No one is going anywhere.” The voice came from the passage to the cavern. A tall man in multicolored robes entered. He had iron-gray hair and a countenance of anger and disappointment.
“Tobias,” Adriana said. “How did you know we were here?”
“Don’t be so foolish as to think we don’t monitor this chamber,” he said. “You were instructed to inspire the captain to convince her crew to stay. How tragic to see how far she has led you astray.”
“Who is he?” Eila said.
“One of the council,” Adriana said.
“I thought you said Atlantis had no rulers,” Eila said.
“Another lie,” Adriana said, “for the common good.”
“The only truth that matters is what best serves the interests of our survival,” Tobias said. “Step away from the controls.”
“Tobias, listen,” Adriana said. “You don’t understand how the portal works. We can’t go back to our lives before. We end up back here on the island.”
“That is a small price to pay for immortality in paradise,” Tobias said.
“You know?”
“We’ve been here for thousands of years,” Tobias said. “We learn more each time we live here. There is nothing we do not know.”