Blogtober 2021 Story Project

“The Library?” Lucius said. “Which library?”
“The Library of Alexandria,” Kamali said.
“We burned it to the ground almost ten years ago,” Lucius said. “I was one of the soldiers who set torches to the building.”
“You burned nothing but an empty building filled with Roman administrative records,” she said. “The real library lies hidden, its true treasures safely secured from theft and destruction.”
“You’ve seen this for yourself?”
“I helped found it,” she said. “My predecessor foresaw the necessity and helped set about its creation.”
“Why tell me about it now?” he asked. “Is it because dead men are the only ones who can keep a secret?”
“Even if I could foresee your true destiny, I would be foolish to tell you. Each choice we make changes the future. Like a wave crashing upon a rock, each drop of water carves a new impression.”
“It sounds like your talent for prophecy is more of a curse than a gift,” he said.
She laughed. “You have no idea how true that is.”
The door of the cell opened, and torches cast light upon the walls, the shadows of a group of hooded men covering them both. They took Kamali first, and she offered no resistance.
Lucius considered fighting them off, but his only weapon was the splinter of Aaron’s rod embedded in his thumb, and he was certain he would have but one chance to use it. He stood up and faced his captors, and then they led him away.