Blogtober 2021 Story Project

Lucius and Kamali emerged from the prison to find Chaim and the four Levites in the back of the cart. Empty black robes and Roman uniforms surrounded them, and their spears were coated with black goo.
“I thought I told you to wait for us outside the city,” Lucius said, but he could not hide his smile.
“What good is faith if it does not drive out fear?” Chaim said. “How is your faith, now that you have seen the power of our God to save?”
“I’m not a man of prayer,” Lucius said, “but please tell your God I said, ‘thank you.’”
They drove the cart out of the city through a mist that veiled the evidence of death and destruction around them. Once they were on the road to the southwest, the mist turned into rain, and the city disappeared behind the gray sky.
“You’re not a girl, are you?” Lucius said to Kamali. “Not really.”
“This body is fourteen,” she said, “but her spirit died three years ago. I am the Pythia, the spirit of the Oracle of Delphi. I inhabit a human body so I may interact with you outside of my temple.”
“You weren’t completely honest about my prophecy, were you?”
“The last time I was honest was with the parents of Oedipus,” she said. “Knowing the future seals your fate; not knowing leaves you with a choice.”
“What happens next?” he asked.
“Another choice,” she replied. “One that we hope you will accept.”