Blogtober 2022 Day 23 entry

“That’s outrageous,” Adriana said. “Our knowledge makes yours look primitive. We’ve been using the portal for centuries.”
“But you didn’t develop the technology yourselves,” Wynn retorted. “If you had, you would have discovered what our magicians learned long ago—time travel is impossible.”
“Another outrageous claim!” Adriana shouted. “We know our portal works!”
“Of course it does,” Wynn said, “but not the way you think.”
“Explain yourself.”
“We call it the Past Paradox,” Wynn said. “When you send someone into the past, they return to a timeline that has already happened. They cannot change it but only relive it. When you send your people back, they return to your island through the ocean portal just as they did before.”
“How do you know this?” she asked.
“Ancient magicians tried to go into the past to change the present,” he said. “They started small, just a week or two in the past, but they always made the same choices, no matter what.”
“Why was that?”
“Because once they arrived in the past, they had no memory of traveling through time.”
“What does this mean?” Eila asked.
“The people of Atlantis live in an infinite time loop,” Wynn said. “Your friend Adriana may have lived her life up until today hundreds, even thousands of times, never knowing that each time was repeated the same as the last.”
“Can this be true?” Adriana asked.
“It’s an early apprentice lesson for us,” Wynn said, “so we won’t waste our time trying to do it.”