Blogtober 2022 Day 22 entry

“You’re sending people back in time?” Wynn said. “How is this possible? None of our magic, light or dark, has ever created a spell to accomplish this.”
“Nor has ours,” Adriana said. “It is the power of the portal. The ancients learned how to control it, and the knowledge has been passed down to us.”
“That doesn’t answer the most important question,” Eila said. “Why? Why wait until the end of your lives? If you can send us back now, we want to leave.”
“We cannot let you do that,” Adriana said. “The powers on this island render the women barren and the men sterile. We cannot have children.”
“Every person on this island comes from somewhere else?” Eila asked.
“For centuries, yes,” she replied. “The portal at sea brings us ships, and our way of life combined with the promise of an eventual return convinces most new inhabitants to stay.”
“What about those who don’t?” Wynn said.
“Everyone stays,” Adriana said. “Ours is a wonderful life, one without care or strife. You can spend a lifetime pursuing whatever passion drives you, and our knowledge is unparalleled in your world. Atlantis gives you everything you ever wanted.”
“Except freedom,” Eila said.
“When your time here is finished, we send you back to your old life, and you get to follow that path wherever it leads,” Adriana said.
“No, you don’t,” Wynn said. “You’re all such sycophants to this idea of Utopia that you don’t understand why time travel doesn’t work.