Blogtober 2021 Story Project

Lucius stepped off the cart and stared through the Dung Gate into the ruins of Jerusalem. The streets were empty once again.
“Kamali is still alive,” he said.
“Because they took her and didn’t try to kill us,” Lucius said. “That was their plan, so someone ordered them to do so. I’m going back to find her.”
“That’s madness,” Samuel said.
“Why do you dress like that?” Lucius asked. “Blue-trimmed robes with tassels, that stole and skull cap?”
“They identify us as Levites,” Samuel replied. “They tell others we are servants of the Almighty Lord.”
“See this uniform?” Lucius said. “The way I dress tells others I am part of the Roman Legion, and we don’t walk away from a fight, and we don’t leave our comrades behind, ever.”
“What is your plan?” Chaim asked.
“You believe that chest comes from God, right?” The others all nodded. “What’s inside it?” They all looked confused.
Lucius climbed in the cart and removed the ark’s covering. Though the Levites shouted in protest, he lifted off the lid and looked inside. He saw two stone tablets with Hebrew carvings and a small wooden rod.
“What’s this?” he asked.
“The rod of Aaron,” Enoch said. “The father of our priesthood.”
“Forgive me,” Lucius said, and broke it over his knee. He removed a splinter from the break and jammed it under the nail of his right thumb, leaving a small extension beyond the tip.
“I’m putting my faith in your God now,” Lucius said.