Blogtober 2022 Day 18 entry

Adriana and another man Wynn didn’t know approached the pedestals and moved their fingers across the surface, each chanting an incantation in sync. When they finished, the glow from within illuminated the entire room, causing Wynn to retreat further into the shadows.
The humming also grew louder but more melodic, almost like singing to his ears. Two different people entered the room with an elderly man between them. He was enchanted with a floating spell, which was necessary because he was unconscious.
His escorts lowered him at the edge of the well and broke their spell. He regained consciousness, and once he realized where he was, his face broke into a smile of relief and happiness.
“Our dear friend,” the man at the pedestal said, “your time to leave us has arrived. While we will be saddened by your absence, our hearts shall be uplifted with the knowledge that you will return to your previous life and complete your journey upon a new path. May your new life be blessed and know that your memory will always be a part of our home.”
The elderly man walked around the circle embracing all the other people. Tears flowed from most of them, though their crying came from smiling faces.
His farewells completed, Adriana and the other man moved their hands over the pedestals, and the humming rose to a deafening chord. The elderly man stepped off the edge and disappeared into the well. At once, the light and the sound stopped.