Blogtober 2021 Story Project

“You can’t escape through there,” a voice called from the darkness. Kamali turned her light spell toward the sound and increased its intensity. Four other men stood at the far side of the cavern.
“How do you know?” she asked.
“We tried to escape three days ago,” the voice said. “An entire garrison of the Roman Legion was waiting, but they had all turned into those demonic creatures.”
“We were the only ones who made it back,” said a second voice. “That tunnel is now the gateway to Sheol.”
“What is Sheol?” Lucius asked.
“Hebrew for Hades,” Chaim answered. “You are Jews?” he called to the voices.
“Yes, Levites,” voice one said. “We served in the Temple until the destruction.”
“Why didn’t you escape then?” Chaim asked.
“We were given a holy task,” said voice two. “We needed time to plan how to get past the Romans, but then the hooded men arrived, and now getting out is impossible.”
Kamali had led the two others across the cavern to where they could see the Levites. They were all teenagers, young and scared.
“Don’t be afraid,” Kamali said. “We can help each other.”
“This is the only safe place in Jerusalem,” the first Levite said.
“We are only seven people,” Lucius said. “We can slip out of the city unnoticed.”
“It’s not that easy,” the second Levite said. “We have to take this with us.”
Chaim stared at the shape behind them. “Is that what I think it is?” he asked.