Blogtober 2022 Day 13 entry

Eila laughed. “Atlantis is a myth.”
“A convenient excuse for why we stay hidden,” Adriana said. “The wars, poverty, and strife of your world does not touch us here. Please, call upon your crew to join us. We have been expecting you, and we have prepared a great feast in your honor.”
“One more question first,” Eila said. “How are you speaking Welsh?”
This time Adriana laughed. “I’m not. I’m speaking our native language, an ancient precursor to the Etruscan tongue. We are adept in many forms of magic, and language translation is a simple spell for all who live here.”
Eila wasn’t convinced, but she also knew her weary crew would welcome a hot meal in a warm building.
Adriana sensed her hesitation and said, “Our magic and our inventions are far superior to yours. Were our intent hostile, we would have sunk your ship in the ocean. We are inviting you as our guests.”
She smiled, and something in her countenance set Eila both at ease and blushing, so she agreed. She shouted orders to Rhys, who gathered the crew and joined their captain on the pier.
The others greeted the crew with smiles and warm handshakes, and Adriana led them into the shade of an enormous tree and through a wide door beside the trunk. A hallway led to a banquet room where they found a decadent banquet of foods both familiar and strange, the aromas enticing, and as they soon found, tastes that exceeded their imagination.