Blogtober 2023

Since the headlights didn’t distract the group, Clarkton engaged his flashers to allow other drivers to give them a wide berth. Even though it was past midnight, the highway wasn’t deserted.
Nicole fell asleep in the back again as the trip took hours. The men didn’t move as slow as “Night of the Living Dead” zombies, but they were a far cry from the savage sprinters of “28 Days Later” as well.
It took them hours to reach their destination, but neither of the men were surprised when they turned down the road Clarkton had taken the day before. He pulled off the highway, parked on the shoulder, and turned off his lights.
“Why are we stopping here?” Murphy asked.
“There were more men reported missing who weren’t accounted for,” Clarkton said. “I want to see if any of them show up. We should have an idea how many of these things we’re facing before we drive into harm’s way.”
Over the next couple of hours, they counted another 23 men walking past them with that same steady, relentless gait, all headed for a gathering whose purpose could not yet be determined.
By this time, they could see the brightening of the eastern sky behind them, and they decided to wait until dawn until they followed the dead into their unknown fate.
One last straggler came across the highway and down the county road. Clarkton shifted into drive and followed him as the sun crested the horizon.
Photo credit Adobe Stock #127434150