“What is this place?” Osric asked.
“Again, no human can understand our words for it,” Lavender said.
“I’m better than most humans with languages,” Osric said. “Speak them.”
“Very well,” Lavender said, and spoke what sounded like, “Ye'alekochi negesitati betemenigisiti,” but the syllables were interspersed with bells and chimes.
“Your voice is beautiful,” he said. “It makes sounds no human is capable of. Can you translate?”
“Not precisely, but ‘Celestial Palace of Elven Masters’ is close,” she said. “They used this place to move between different realms.”
“Can we still do that?”
“No, all the portals are now empty,” she said. “The treasure chamber lies downward. Tread carefully—no one has walked on these floors for thousands of your years.”
“I don’t suppose you could make me fly,” Osric said.
“I could,” Lavender said, “but it would be uncontrolled. The landing would be most unpleasant for you.”
“Then I’ll tread lightly,” Osric said.
The inside of the palace was spectacular, with the most ornate architecture Osric had ever seen. The edifice appeared to be marble encrusted with gold veins, and colored gems decorated each column and archway.
They found a staircase that spiraled down, and Osric kept to the outside, his hand on the balustrade. The staircase terminated in double doors made of solid gold.
“The treasure chamber, I presume?” Osric said.
“Yes,” she said. “I have been here many times, but I have never gained entrance.”
“The doors are too heavy for you?”
“Yes,” she said, looking embarrassed.