Blogtober 2022 Day 15 entry

“What did they do with our ship?” Eila asked.
“I only found this spot yesterday,” Wynn said. “Every other attempt I made to return to the harbor was met with a distraction.”
“How are we supposed to get off the island?”
“I don’t think they intend to let us leave,” he said.
“I’m going to find Adriana and demand that she tell us what has happened,” Eila said.
“That would be a mistake,” Wynn replied. “If they are conspiring to keep us here, she is part of their plan.”
“We can’t passively accept our fate,” she said. “We have homes and families to return to. My mother didn’t want me to be a sailor because she feared I’d be lost at sea. I’d hate for her to be right.”
“You’ve already made friends with Adriana,” Wynn said. “Don’t let her know what we’ve seen. Ask her if we can stay here for good; allow her to be our patron to the others on the island. If she opens up to you, perhaps it will reveal something we can use to escape.”
“I’m not a convincing actor,” Eila said.
“You’re royal,” Wynn said. “Pretend you’re at court, putting up all those appearances.”
“You’re kidding,” she said. “I became a sailor so I wouldn’t have to tolerate that nonsense.”
“Captain,” he said, “we need you to rise to the occasion.”
“I know,” she said. “Let’s return before she gets suspicious.”
“Tell her I was convincing you to let us stay here.”